Deep Links

Maparoni supports the different URL schemes listed below, which you can use to open Maparoni and trigger different actions from other apps. (For creating action buttons on locations that deep link into other apps, see Actions.)

Subscribing to a GeoJSON from a URL

  • maparoni://import-collection?url={url}

Subscribes to the collection at a web url, and opens a card displaying everything in that collection.

Add a location to an existing collection

  • maparoni://add-location?lat={lat}&lng={lng}&name={name}&{key}={value}...

Brings up a card that shows the location, optional name, along with a list of collections to add the location to.

The location will be added as a GeoJSON Feature with a single point coordinate. The lat, lng and name parts of the URL will be interpreted for that, and all further key-value pairs will be added to the properties of the GeoJSON.

Add a route to an existing collection

  • maparoni://add-route?polyline={encoded-polyline}&name={name}&{key}={value}...

Brings up a card that shows the route, optional name, along with a list of collections to add the location to.

The location will be added as a GeoJSON Feature with a LineString gemetry. The polyline should be an encoded polyline string as by Google’s encoded polyline algorithm. name should be just that URL-encoded, and all further key-value pairs will be added to the properties of the GeoJSON.

Show GeoJSON data

  • maparoni://show-data?geojson={string}
  • maparoni://show-data?geojson=clipboard

Creates a temporary collection with the provided content, which can be either provided in the URL itself or, preferred, in the clipboard. If you open this URL scheme again, the content of that collection will be overwritten. This works well with scripting apps.

Overwrite GeoJSON content of a collection

  • maparoni://load-data?geojson={string}
  • maparoni://load-data?geojson=clipboard

Only applies to collections whose data is provided by external scripts and only works if that collection is currently open in Maparoni. Calling this URL scheme will overwrite the data of that collection with the provided content, which can be either provided in the URL itself or, preferred, in the clipboard. For more, see external scripting/automation support.